Regression results and summary statistics for "Profiles in Resilience".
On early Sunday morning (August 28), I will post an essay titled “Profiles in Resilience: Virginia schools that fought to restore in-person instruction after the advent of COVID.”
That essay explores the performance of school systems in Virginia during the course of the coronavirus phenomenon.
Anyone will be able to re-engineer the results reported in that essay using the coefficient estimates and summary statistics reported in the following two tables.
The first table feature coefficient estimates (with standard errors) from five linear regressions. The standard errors are generated by clustering by school system.
I work out of a dataset that spans the performance of 132 school districts in Virginia over the course of 16 annual, state-mandated “Standards of Learning” assessments.
I report five sets of regression results in the following table. These regressions pertain to the share of students securing a “pass” in each of five subject areas.
The notations ***, ** and * indicate statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively.
Note that all but two of the coefficient estimates are significant at the 1% level, and very nearly all of them are significant at the 0.1% level.
Separately, here are summary statistics of the two principal regressors: