Get behind me, Government!

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"Govern me harder, Daddy!"

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I was having a related thought on what people find to be an acceptable level of immigration.

My thinking is that people do it largely in relative terms. So if you are a 'brain-dead liberal' you will simply want more immigration than that which the right-wing 'fascist' would want. If they are demanding that immigration be reduced to 'tens of thousands' then you will be ok with hundreds of thousands. But if they were asking for zero immigration, then maybe you yourself would be ok with tens of thousands. The actual level and is irrelevant, it is your position versus the other side that matters.

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Interesting idea. And a lot of opinion does seem to be about product differentiation: If you pose the vanilla platform, then we're gonna do chocolate and vice-versa.

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And that became obvious in our pandemic response. Trump didn't like masking, so unmasked folk were harming the nation despite the lack of evidence. That seemed to extend to vaccines despite Trump's involvement because some were asking about data, apparently the wrong people asking. Opposition for the sake of conflict? There could be some perversity going forward.

If we sense elections are rigged, will that justify cheating by the suspicious? Once the rigor gets diluted, both sides are likely to find ways to cheat making elections a waste of time, as many already believe. Danger.

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Enjoyed this essay. Don't think it will move those demanding equity.

Something about voting yourself the treasury and running out of other people's money.

Health care a a right except doctors not wanting to work for free.

We do now see a growing backlash against the notion of woke. Overreach has always caused that. A return to the middle might be a very good thing.

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