Every morning a carpenter and his apprentice march past a glorious tree while on their way to their workshop. The apprentice finally inquires one morning about why they had not yet felled that tree. Because the tree is too gnarly, the carpenter explains. It would yield little in the way of long, fine-grained boards. “This tree is worthless,” he declared. And, so, no one violated the tree. “That is why it could grow to be so old.” Indeed, that is why it could grow into the glorious specimen that it became.
I had a brokewoke activist friend who joked about someone with PTSD whose trigger was other people with PTSD. She was beautiful, but a sick puppy, and had auditory processing issues. Food for thought.
I had a brokewoke activist friend who joked about someone with PTSD whose trigger was other people with PTSD. She was beautiful, but a sick puppy, and had auditory processing issues. Food for thought.