Good spontaneous stuff. I only hope the cunning planners didn't plan any of this. Because they can't seriously have been thinking of Europe's best interests, however successful the energy transition might eventually be.

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This is why I can never be a "conspiracy theorist." The people behind all this just aren't very smart. In fact, many of them are spectacularly, breathtakingly stupid. Like whoever is running the White House these days. Or Klaus Schwab: it is inconceivable that any Bond villain could possess as little self-awareness as that man has.

Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity.

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My father tells me time and time again, 'there are no grand conspiracies, because not that many people can keep a secret." And it's true: it's no secret that our leaders are, as you say, breathtakingly stupid.

Then I think of that ol' Obi Wan line: "Who's more the fool..."

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I suspect the Russians might be laughing a little at Germany's future plight because Germany never observed any externalities thinking, not sure what. But the green lobby seems to have affected thinking in a lot of places in their rush. Obviously oil is fungible as currency. Gas is not quite that given the extra costs involved.

Oil is subject to demand destruction which seems to be the reason behind the current declines. But China has lowered use simply because of government foolishness that has restrained growth and they have access to needs using dirty coal to power their EVs. The EU will face real issues in the cost of electricity to power their EVs. Might be interesting to examine that relationship as EVs vs power start to interact. The US has some excess capacity that allows EV charging to be not a factor but as EV use grows, so do charging needs and infrastructure isn't always so easy. Still most EVs will be for the rich who live in homes capable of solar power/storage well beyond the masses. The misguided CA policy may be short lived.

This rush to green has revealed we are not even near ready, that Amazon has yet to deliver energy overnight. Technology has been moving along, at a pace of fits and starts as we learn and employ it. Whether central planning can speed it along is unknown but likely it can't.

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May it be a very hot September in California so that lessons might be learned ...

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