Sitemap - 2022 - The Free-range Economist
A Tale of Three Thanksgivings in Two Acts
The Midterm Elections X-Factor: Industrialized Mail-in Voting
Excess Mortality Post-Vax – a Cross-country Study
COVID Panic Syndrome and Public School Performance
Is sudden death more likely 5 months after the vax?
About that Florida study on vaccine harm
An urgent call to submit comments to the CDC.
Do markets signal a manageable winter heating season in Europe?
Convenient Bad Guy of the Week: Saudi Arabia
The Captive Mind and Self-selection
A Small Victory for Common Sense
The Fiction of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome – Evidence from the States
The Fiction of ‘Sudden Adult Death Syndrome’ – A Graphical Essay
Collective Madness ... Deciphered
What kinds of students have fared best or worst post-COVID?
A Tale of Two School Districts post-COVID
Watching Oil Markets Heal in Real Time
Regression results and summary statistics for "Profiles in Resilience".
The Dream of Nuclear-free, Net-Zero Nirvana
Homicides in Chicago - 2018 through July 2022
What are the polar ice caps telling us?—Part II
Government-induced Energy Crisis
A Symbiosis of Honor and Victim Cultures: The Schools-to-Prisons Pipeline
What are the Polar Ice Caps Telling Us?—Part I
Abasing the Whole of Society – The How and Why for Dummies
Disaster Hype Lags Futures Markets
Today's currency devaluation in Ukraine: What does it mean?
When the COVID gods mock Zero COVID – a Graphical Essay
Climate Change and Forest Fires
Strategic Behavior in Decisions to Conceive, Not Conceive, and to Abort
Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe gave voice to otherwise ignored perspectives on pressing issues.
A Master Class in COVID Policy Delusion
Will grain exports out of Odessa proceed—with Russian acquiescence?
Coal Exports to Europe – A Photo Essay
Overturning Roe-v-Wade Overturns 'The Life of Julia'.
Paying for college with summer job earnings
The Washington Blob has learned nothing and forgotten everything.
Experiences with disarming the public - The Hideyoshi 'Sword Hunt'
Slammin’ the JAMA -- Studied Mis-use of COVID Data
The New York Times is starting to get it ... sort of.
Inflation, Deflation and Les Miserables
The Russian Bear at the Crossroads
Use, Abuse and Studied Non-use of COVID Data
Death-by-Expert – a Cross-country Study
'Family Planning' in the Dark Ages
The Wisdom of the Butterflies: Critical Theory, Again
No More Mask Mandate: A Win for Constitutional Governance
Putin miscalculates … in the Northern Territories of Japan
How I learned to stop worrying and to Love Fats and Carbohydrates
Is NATO really a threat to Russia?
How Inflation Stopped the Ottoman Empire
Are the Vaccines Killing People?
Is the death toll of the vaccines becoming impossible to ignore?
Who’s Afraid of Oil and Wheat Prices?
My Interview with the FBI about My Contacts with Russian Agents
Dear Vladimir: “April is the cruelest month” for a reason.
Major War: Given it's so bad, why do we ever go to war?
The Media Are the Fog of War -- Civil War Edition
Credible Commitments End Wars.
Our 'Democratic Imperialism' versus Their Old School Russian Imperialism
Will Russian Invasion Achieve Ukrainian Objectives?
The New York Times gets it … sort of
Same as It Ever Was: Nothing New to See in COVID Data
The Revenge of the Nerds: Critical Theory
Only Progressives think they're Liberal.